Environmental Politics

"In China, 64 Percent Say They Are Environmentalists -- Report"

"The survey by Dutch research agency Motivaction said in China, where public anger has mounted over hazardous levels of pollution in towns and cities, environmentalists had a greater sense of urgency about action needed to tackle the problem than Western counterparts, where the financial crisis has knocked environmental policy down the political agenda."

Source: Reuters, 05/08/2014

"Climate Change Study Finds U.S. Is Already Widely Affected"

"The effects of human-induced climate change are being felt in every corner of the United States, scientists reported Tuesday, with water growing scarcer in dry regions, torrential rains increasing in wet regions, heat waves becoming more common and more severe, wildfires growing worse, and forests dying under assault from heat-loving insects." New York Times, May 6, 2014. See a plethora of additional coverage here.

Source: NY Times, 05/07/2014

"Why Congress Can't Fix Our Crazy Chemical Safety System"

"How broken is the nation's chemical-safety system? Of the 80,000 or so chemicals currently used in commerce, the Environmental Protection Agency has only tested 200 since Congress gave the agency its marching orders nearly four decades ago. And of the 200 tested chemicals, only five have been banned or regulated."

Source: National Journal, 05/07/2014

"Stanford to Purge $18 Billion Endowment of Coal Stock"

"Stanford University announced Tuesday that it would divest its $18.7 billion endowment of stock in coal-mining companies, becoming the first major university to lend support to a nationwide campaign to purge endowments and pension funds of fossil fuel investments."

Source: NY Times, 05/07/2014


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