Laws & Regulations

Tracking the Big Climate Bills — An Infrastructure/Reconciliation Breakdown

During the next two weeks, expect a rush of Congressional activity as both chambers attempt to set details that will constitute what some see as possibly the most important climate legislation in years. TipSheet helps you keep track of the action, first setting the stage on two massive measures, and then providing resources to track more than half-a-dozen House committees.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Ruth Etzel Speaks Out Ahead of EPA Whistleblower Hearing"

"The US Environmental Protection Agency is failing to protect children by ignoring poisons in the environment and focusing on corporate interests, according to a top children’s health official who will testify this week that the agency tried to silence her because of her insistence on stronger preventions against lead poisoning."

Source: Guardian, 09/13/2021

Federal Government Sells Flood-Prone Homes To Often Unsuspecting Buyers

"The first thing Larry McCanney fell in love with was the tree in the front yard. It cast shade on the porch of a house that, if he were honest, needed some work. But McCanney is handy, the price was right and the location was perfect, just a couple of miles from his childhood home in Burlington, N.J."

Source: NPR, 09/13/2021

Manchin and Sanders Clash Over $3.5T Reconciliation Package

"Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., reiterated Sunday that he opposed the Democrats' $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package as the party pushes to pass it and a bipartisan infrastructure bill amid packed September negotiations."

Source: USA TODAY, 09/13/2021

Enviros Call For Prompt Restoration Of National Monuments Shrunk By Trump

"National and regional environmental organizations called on President Biden to restore the boundaries of national monuments shrunk by the Trump administration, urging the White House to take action more than two months after the Interior Department submitted recommendations."

Source: The Hill, 09/10/2021

"Biden Picks D.C. Utility Regulator For FERC Commissioner"

"President Biden will nominate the chair of the District of Columbia’s Public Service Commission to fill a vacancy on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the White House announced today [Thursday].

If confirmed by the Senate, Willie Phillips, a Democrat, would tip the political scale in favor of Biden’s party on the five-member commission that regulates wholesale power markets and large energy projects and is crucial for the success of the administration’s climate agenda.

Source: E&E News, 09/10/2021

Democrats Want a ‘Climate Corps.’ They Just Can’t Agree How to Create It

"Democrats aim to pour tens of billions of dollars into a New Deal-style program that would hire young people to work on projects to protect communities and the environment from disasters that are growing more destructive due to climate change."

Source: NYTimes, 09/10/2021


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