"Exelon, one of the country’s largest utilities, said Monday that it would quit the United States Chamber of Commerce because of that group’s stance on climate change."
"A Madison County [Ill.] class-action lawsuit filed in 2004 over the use of the popular herbicide atrazine is gaining steam, and one lawyer says it could reshape farming practices nationwide."
"Environmentalists and others are concerned over whether the president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce can be an unbiased party on a big climate change debate because of his affiliation with Union Pacific."
Many religious groups are going to be pushing congress for legislation to slow climate change this fall -- for reasons ranging from the moral to the practical.
"Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) yesterday backed off efforts to block EPA from weighing contested ethanol emissions after Administrator Lisa Jackson pledged that biofuels rules will reflect uncertainty around international indirect land-use change emissions."
"The Commerce Department unveiled the first 77 'smart grid' standards today aimed at removing a major barrier to the implementation of digital grid technologies."
"A 50 percent leap in the shares of lithium-ion battery maker A123 Systems Inc on their first day of trading looks likely to jumpstart the market for clean-tech share offerings."
"After weeks of waiting, it now looks like the Senate will see a climate bill next week after all. At an event in Pittsburgh ahead of the G20 summit, bill cosponsor John Kerry (D-Mass.) announced that the bill will be released next Wednesday."