National (U.S.)

"Senate Dems Introduce Water Bill In Light Of Flint Crisis"

"A group of Senate Democrats introduced a bill Wendesday to invest in water infrastructure and remove lead from pipes around the country. The bill would pump $7 billion a year into water infrastructure repair work and lead programs through loans, grants and tax credits for states."

Source: The Hill, 04/22/2016

"Senate Passes Legislation Tailored to a Modern Energy Landscape"

"The Senate on Wednesday passed the first broad energy bill since the George W. Bush administration, a bipartisan measure to better align the nation’s oil, gas and electricity systems with the changing ways that power is produced in the United States."

Source: NY Times, 04/21/2016

The U.S. Has Been Emitting A Lot More Methane Than We Thought, Says EPA

"The Environmental Protection Agency has released a major upward revision to its estimates of total emissions of methane, a hard-hitting if short-lived greenhouse gas, in an annual inventory that the agency submits to the United Nations. The revisions will further up the stakes in a political battle over regulations that the agency is preparing to issue that could affect operations at thousands of oil and gas wells."

Source: Wash Post, 04/19/2016


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