
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

"Bubonic Plague In Chipmunks Forces Closure Of Top Lake Tahoe Sites"

"Surrounded by fires, parched by drought, and shut down by the pandemic – residents of California’s scenic South Lake Tahoe thought they’d endured everything. That was until this week, when the US Forest Service announced it was closing several popular sites after discovering bubonic plague in the chipmunk population."

Source: Guardian, 08/04/2021

"Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone 10 Times Bigger Than Lake Pontchartrain"

"This summer's low-oxygen dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico along the Louisiana coast covered 6,334 square miles - 10 times the size of Lake Pontchartrain and well above the average size for the past five years, researchers said Tuesday."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 08/04/2021

"Interior Kicks Off New Review of ANWR Drilling"

"The Interior Department today said it will restart an environmental review of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge’s oil and gas program, following its determination earlier this year that the Trump administration’s assessment was flawed."

Source: E&E News, 08/04/2021

"Washington's Orca Whale Pods Receive New Federal Habitat Protection"

"Washington's endangered orca whales received new habitat protections from the federal government on Friday. The National Marine Fisheries Service finalized rules to expand the orca's critical habitat from the Canadian border all the way down to Point Sur in California, adding 15,910 square miles of foraging areas, river mouths and migratory pathways."

Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 08/02/2021
August 6, 2021

DEADLINE: Business & Sustainability Initiative at Solutions Journalism Network

Newsrooms: Apply by Aug 6, 2021 for funding (up to $5,000), training and support by SJN staff for coverage of businesses' role in solutions related to sustainability issues such as climate action, clean water, biodiversity and renewable energy, with a focus on communities served by the solutions.


La. Researcher Says She Was Fired For Raising Alarm About Dolphin Deaths

"Gulf Coast researchers are raising alarms about a $1.4 billion coastal restoration project’s potential to kill and injure bottlenose dolphins. Now, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries employee whose job it was to count dolphin deaths in the state says she was fired in 2019 because her work reaffirmed the potential of the project to devastate a dolphin population."

Source: La. Illuminator, 07/30/2021


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