Water & Oceans

"Flood Insurance Rates Are Spiking For Many, To Account For Climate Risk"

"The cost of federal flood insurance is rising for millions of homeowners, threatening to make homes in coastal areas unaffordable for many. The Federal Emergency Management Agency says its new rates better reflect flood risk in a warming climate."

Source: NPR, 10/18/2021
October 20, 2021

How Journalists from 13 Countries Covered the Crimes in the Global Fishing Industry

Oceans Inc. is a cross-border investigation series into crimes in the global fishing industry, from the South China Sea to the Antarctic. At 8:00 a.m. ET, meet the journalists behind the series and find out more about the Environmental Reporting Collective's reporting and training grants that are worth over USD15,000.


White House Unveils Plans For Massive Expansion Of Offshore Wind Farms

"The Biden administration unveiled plans to develop large, grid-transforming offshore wind farms along much of the U.S. coastline in the coming years, a major effort to invest in renewable energy and combat the growing impacts of climate change."

Source: HuffPost, 10/14/2021


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