
"Chikungunya Thrives with Climate Variability in the Caribbean"

"TRINIDAD - Jenny had gone to bed feeling well, but an hour into her sleep she suddenly awoke with a 'stiff, cramping pain' behind one knee. Within the next hour the pains had multiplied and both knees began to lock, followed by stiffened fingers and pains in her chest, along with a fever."

Source: IPS, 02/24/2015

Senator Calls For Investigation Into Climate 'Denial-For-Hire Scheme'

"Recently released documents show that fossil fuel interests paid more than $1.2 million to fund the research of a prominent climate change-denying scientist affiliated with the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Now, a Democratic senator is calling for an investigation into whether other coal and oil companies are funding climate deniers."

Source: Huffington Post, 02/24/2015

"Park Service Surveys The Environment's Accoustical Health"

The National Park Service has been documenting the acoustic environment in National Parks for years. But in addition to the sounds of nature --  Coyotes in Colorado, a hummingbird in Washington State, elk from Sand Dunes National Park -- the microphones also capture the sounds of civilization -- such as sirens.

Source: NPR, 02/23/2015

Fracking Firms Distort Science To Deceive Public, Policymakers: Group

"The oil and gas industry sponsors and spins research to shape the scientific debate over horizontal hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. That's the conclusion of a watchdog group's analysis of more than 130 documents distributed to policymakers by industry representatives."

Source: Huffington Post, 02/23/2015


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