
Climate Talks Must Consider Impact of Melting Permafrost: Scientists

"WASHINGTON -- Scientists who study the Arctic say they’re worried that nations meeting this week to set targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions aren’t adequately considering how much carbon dioxide and methane could be released from the world’s rapidly thawing permafrost."

Source: McClatchy, 11/28/2012

"Sea Level Rise Accelerating Faster than Initial Projections"

"Sea level is rising as the planet warms up, but how much it will rise, and how fast is still something climate scientists are working out. And according to study released late Tuesday in Environmental Research Letters the ocean is already rising faster than the most recent authoritative report from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was projecting as recently as 2007."

Source: Climate Central, 11/28/2012

Analysis: Despite 2011 Japan Meltdowns, Pro-Nuke Party Could Win Power

"Japanese voters look likely to hand victory to a party that favors nuclear power in the first election since the March 2011 Fukushima radiation disaster -- a result a baffled Greenpeace activist likens to one of the 'wonders of the world.'"

Source: ,

"To Find Warming's Speed, Scientists Must See Through Clouds"

"JUNGFRAUJOCH, Switzerland -- On a clear day at the Sphinx, a legendary atmospheric observatory 11,000 feet up in the snowed-in peaks of the Bernese Alps, the blue sky runs down green hills and white glaciers toward seemingly all of Europe beyond. On a lucky day here, though, there's only gray. There are only clouds."

Source: Greenwire, 11/27/2012

"Greenpeace Exposes Toxic Chemicals in Fashionable Clothing"

"BEIJING -- Some of the world’s best known fashion retailers are selling clothing contaminated with hazardous chemicals that break down to form hormone-disrupting or cancer-causing chemicals when released into the environment, finds a report issued [Tuesday] by Greenpeace International in Beijing."

Source: ENS, 11/21/2012


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