National (U.S.)

"Obama's Base Mobilizes Against President's Free Trade Agenda"

Labor unions and environmentalists say the ultra-secret Trans Pacific Partnership trade treaty could nullify U.S. laws meant to protet Americans. They oppose the administration's bid for "fast-track" authority to present it to Congress on a take-it-or-leave it basis."

Source: Aljazeera America, 01/28/2015

"Obama’s Plan: Allow Drilling in Atlantic, but Limit It in Arctic"

"The Obama administration moved Tuesday to open up a vast stretch of East Coast waters to oil and gas drilling, a decision that could have a profound impact on the economic and environmental future of states from Virginia to Georgia. The move also adds a new dimension to the legacy of President Obama."

Source: NY Times, 01/28/2015

"Plan to Protect Refuge Has Alaskans Offended and Fearful Over Money"

"ANCHORAGE — Bitter reaction here to the Obama administration’s proposal to protect a huge portion of the Arctic goes beyond political divisions over oil and environmental policy, to questions about how Alaskans are perceived and respected in their sometimes awkward long-distance relationship with the rest of the nation, residents and political leaders say."

Source: NY Times, 01/27/2015


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