National (U.S.)

"Reactor Design in Japan Has Long Been Questioned"

"The warnings were stark and issued repeatedly as far back as 1972: If the cooling systems ever failed at a Mark 1 nuclear reactor, the primary containment vessel surrounding the reactor would probably burst as the fuel rods inside overheated. Dangerous radiation would spew into the environment."

Source: NY Times, 03/16/2011

Credibility, Openness Issues Arise as Nuclear Crisis Deepens

"The chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was invited to the White House briefing today to assure Americans that they had nothing to fear from the nuclear radiation coming out of Japan's damaged reactors and that the nuclear reactors in the United States were safe. When he was finished taking questions there was very little reassurance on either front." In Japan, residents are beginning to wonder whether they can trust government reassurances that radiation levels present little threat to human health.

Source: CBS News, 03/15/2011
March 17, 2011

Designing Effective and Enforceable Catch Share Systems

 This session, part of the Environmental Law Institute's 2011 Ocean Seminar Series, experts will discuss some of the key issues and possible solutions related to NOAA's new policy encouraging adoption of catch share systems nationwide.



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