
More Lead Monitors Coming to a Facility or City Near You?

The Bush Administration, through the OMB, pressured EPA to water down lead monitoring requirements it had tightened in October 2008. Now EPA may get more or all of the monitors it originally wanted, near facilities that emit about a half ton of lead per year.
SEJ Publication Types: 

"Tougher U.S. Lead Paint Law May Not Protect Americans"

"Companies on three continents continue to make and sell consumer paints that contain dangerous levels of lead despite the availability of technology to produce high-quality, low lead paint. A tougher lead paint standard takes effect in the United States later this month, but imported consumer goods may still contain hazardous amounts of lead paint."
Source: AP, 08/06/2009

"More D.C. Kids Had Elevated Lead Than Stated"

"More than twice as many D.C. children as previously reported by federal and local health officials had high levels of lead in their blood amid the city's drinking water crisis, according to congressional investigators, throwing into doubt assurances by those officials that the lead in tap water did not seriously harm city children."
Source: WashPost, 08/04/2009


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