Climate Change

"Melting Ice Sheets Already Seen Driving Sea-Level Rise"

"As a satellite study released today by Nature shows, the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets have already begun contributing more to the planet's rising seas than the melting of ice caps and glaciers. It is a trend that overthrows conventional understanding of how melting is partitioned, while reaffirming that sea levels are rising as expected."

Source: Greenwire, 02/09/2012

"Low-Lying Louisiana Prepares for Sea Level To Rise"

"NEW ORLEANS -- A scientific report issued by Gov. Bobby Jindal's administration predicts that the Louisiana coast could see about 3 feet of sea level rise along the already low and vulnerable Louisiana coast by 2100 -- a prediction that leaves this Cajun coast drowning and under siege from storm surge for decades to come."

Source: AP, 02/08/2012

"China Bans Airlines From Joining EU Emissions Scheme"

"The Chinese government said on Monday it will ban the country's airlines from participating in a European Union scheme to charge for carbon emissions from flights into and out of Europe and ban airlines from charging customers extra because of the EU plan."

Chris Buckley reports for Reuters February 6 2012.


"Opponents Of EU Airline CO2 Scheme To Meet In Moscow" (Reuters)

Source: Reuters, 02/07/2012
May 30, 2012 to June 1, 2012

2nd Annual U.S. Slow Living Summit

A national convening of cross-sector intelligence, ideas and action for sustainable living in a post-carbon world.


SEJ's 22nd Annual Conference Coverage

Oct. 17-21, 2012 in Lubbock. Find multimedia coverage here. It's never too late to send us your story links for inclusion. If you attended the conference, we would love your feedback; please complete our online survey. The Texas Observer published on Dec. 11 a deeply flawed story about SEJ's 2012 conference. Please go here for SEJ's formal response through letters to the Observer's editor and publisher, from SEJ President Don Hopey and Board Member Roger Witherspoon, setting the record straight, as well as replies received from Texas Observer editor Dave Mann. © Photo: Communicating Climate Change plenary by Lindsey Hoshaw.


How Sierra Club Took Millions From Gas Industry -- & Why They Stopped

"TIME has learned that between 2007 and 2010 the Sierra Club accepted over $25 million in donations from the gas industry, mostly from Aubrey McClendon, CEO of Chesapeake Energy—one of the biggest gas drilling companies in the U.S. and a firm heavily involved in fracking—to help fund the Club’s Beyond Coal campaign.

Source: TIME, 02/03/2012

3 States to Require Insurers to Disclose Climate-Change Response Plans

"Insurance commissioners in California, New York and Washington State will require that companies disclose how they intend to respond to the risks their businesses and customers face from increasingly severe storms and wildfires, rising sea levels and other consequences of climate change, California’s commissioner said Wednesday."

Source: NY Times, 02/02/2012


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