Climate Change

"Arctic Is Warming Twice As Fast As Anyplace Else On Earth"

"The latest word from scientists studying the Arctic is that the polar region is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet. And researchers say the trend isn't letting up. That's the latest from the 2014 Arctic Report Card — a compilation of recent research from more than 60 scientists in 13 countries. The report was released Wednesday by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration."

Source: NPR, 12/18/2014

"U.S. To Unveil Plan To Curb Oil And Gas Sector Methane Soon: Sources"

"The Obama administration as soon as Wednesday will announce its plans for curbing methane emissions from the oil and gas sector, which the United States must do to meet its 2020 target for cutting greenhouse gas emissions, people familiar with the issue said Tuesday."

Source: Reuters, 12/18/2014
February 9, 2015

DEADLINE: Metcalf Institute Climate Change Seminar for Journalists

Metcalf Institute is partnering with the National Adaptation Forum and EcoAdapt to present a free, day and a half-long seminar (May 12-13, 2015) and optional field trip as part of the National Adaptation Forum, May 12-14, in St. Louis, Missouri. The Forum will provide a rare opportunity for journalists to meet adaptation experts from across the nation representing local, state, regional, tribal and federal interests and will focus on climate change impacts and adaptation efforts ranging from the transportation, insurance and disaster risk management sectors to architecture, agriculture, and environmental justice. Apply by Feb 9th.

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