Nuclear Power & Radiation

"Black Floridians Await Settlement on Toxic Contamination"

"For close to four decades, residents of Tallevast in southwest Florida lived side by side with the American Beryllium Company, which employed local men and women to manufacture parts for nuclear weapons. Each day, workers inhaled beryllium dust and brought it home on their clothing."

Source: IPS, 10/29/2010

"Nuclear Road Trip: Shipping Uranium A Complex Task"

"A shipment of bomb-grade uranium arrived at a secure facility in Russia Monday, sent from a research reactor in Poland as part of a race to secure dangerous radioactive material around the world. There was no way to mistake the shipment for something innocuous like Polish sausage — the trucks were escorted by heavily armed police officers and plastered with large radioactive signs."

Source: NPR, 10/11/2010

"Economy Sandbags Plans for Nuclear Reactors"

Plans for one of the first new nuclear power reactors in decades -- a third unit at Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, were put on hold by Constellation Energy. The Energy Department said the project is so risky that Constellation must pay high fees if it wants the U.S. taxpayers to guarantee construction loans. But those subsidies were not high enough for Constellation. The demise of its poster child raised questions about the so-called "nuclear renaissance."

Source: NYTimes, 10/11/2010

MIT Report Endorses Centralized Interim Storage for Spent Reactor Fuel

"A Massachusetts Institute of Technology task force report called yesterday for the United States to create a few centralized storage sites for spent nuclear reactor fuel in the next decades, while researching new reactor designs that could reduce the challenges of permanent geological burial of nuclear wastes."

Source: ClimateWire, 09/21/2010


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