
The 2019 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment

SEJournal looks ahead to key issues in the coming year with this "2019 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment" special report. Stay tuned as we continue to add elements to the report up through and beyond its formal launch Jan. 25 at an annual roundtable, organized by the Society of Environmental Journalists with the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C.

SEJ Publication Types: 

That Global Warming Hiatus? It Never Happened. Two New Studies Explain

"The United Nations panel of climate science experts mentioned it in a 2013 report, scientists have published more than 200 papers analyzing it, and climate deniers said it was proof that climate change didn't exist, but in reality the global warming "pause" or "hiatus" never occurred."

Source: InsideClimate News, 12/19/2018

"These 15 Trends Have Big Implications For Biodiversity In 2019"

"More than two dozen futurists, environmental scientists and others from around the world recently put their heads together to do a “horizon scan” of emerging trends that are getting relatively little attention but have the potential to have substantial impact on biodiversity conservation in the future."

Source: Ensia, 12/17/2018

‘Cli-Fi’ a New Horizon for Climate Change Writers

It's not often that a new genre of science writing opens up for freelancers.  But writer Dan Bloom suggests there's a growing market for freelancers who want to write about climate in the form known as “cli-fi,” a new dystopian fiction that focuses on future impacts of climate change.  Freelance Files editor Karen Schaefer invited him to share his perspective on the emerging genre.

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