Environmental Health

US Trying To End The Longest Oil Spill In History. Company Fights Back

"As the longest offshore oil spill in U.S. history creeps toward its 15th year, the federal government is preparing to launch a determined effort to contain the oil and cap the leaking wells."

Source: Washington Post, 03/04/2019

Will Appeals Court Make EPA Ban Pesticide With Serious Health Risks?

"Eric Perez and his wife, Mari, live with their five children in the Wenatchee Valley in central Washington state. Their house is just feet from an orchard. A couple of years ago, the kids were having an Easter egg hunt in the yard when they smelled something 'plasticky,' Perez remembers — like 'rotten eggs.'"

Source: NPR, 03/01/2019

Wheeler, Who Continued Environmental Rollbacks, Confirmed to Lead EPA

"The Senate on Thursday confirmed Andrew R. Wheeler to be the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, giving oversight of the nation’s air and water to a former coal lobbyist and seasoned Washington insider."

Source: NY Times, 03/01/2019

Judge Throws Out Federal Defamation Lawsuit Against New York Times

"A University of Florida horticulture professor known for his scientific defense of genetically modified foods lost his defamation suit against journalist Eric Lipton and the New York Times for describing his close relationships with biotech giants including Monsanto."

Source: Tallahassee Democrat, 03/01/2019

"House Democrats Demand Interior Docs On Offshore Drilling Waivers"

"House Democrats are demanding an explanation from the Trump administration for the hundreds of times the Interior Department has allowed energy companies to deviate from a key offshore drilling safety rule."

Source: Politico, 02/27/2019


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