Environmental Justice

Reporter Unravels Complex Dynamic Between Climate Change and Nature

Nature-based climate solutions have become a much-talked-of topic, one that journalist Gabriel Popkin turned into a loose beat through which to explore the complicated realities beyond some easy narratives. The resulting stories were published widely to high praise, and in the latest Inside Story Q&A, Popkin spoke about his efforts and offered up five critical factors for producing original, impactful journalism.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"In Some Neighborhoods In Drought-Prone Kenya, Clean Water Is Scarce"

"As the sun rises in the Bondeni-Jua Kali neighborhood on the outskirts of Kenya’s capital Nairobi, dozens of women and men step out of their corrugated iron homes with yellow jerricans, skip over pools of sewage and make their way to a nearby water vending station."

Source: AP, 12/04/2023

"EPA Lead Pipe Rule Good for Justice, But May Come at High Cost"

"The EPA’s goal to replace all lead drinking water pipes in the US within 10 years is ambitious and furthers environmental justice, water attorneys and environmental groups say, but some former agency officials worry the goal may be too costly to meet."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 12/04/2023

At COP28 Oil Firms Pledge To Combat Methane. Enviros Call It A “Smokescreen”

"Fifty oil companies representing nearly half of global production have pledged to reach near-zero methane emissions and end routine flaring in their operations by 2030, the president of this year’s United Nations climate talks said Saturday, a move that environmental groups called a “smokescreen.”"

Source: AP, 12/04/2023

"West Virginians Could Get Stuck Cleaning Up the Coal Industry’s Messes"

"West Virginia’s fund to clean up abandoned coal mines is in such dire shape that it threatens to stick taxpayers with hundreds of millions — perhaps even billions — of dollars in cleanup costs. And yet, little is being done to turn things around."

Source: Mountain State Spotlight, 12/04/2023

"Why The Return Of Sea Otters To Canada’s West Coast Is Making Waves"

"The group of otters floats between amber stalks of kelp, preening their coats and foraging for urchins. Sheltered in a natural bay off Haida Gwaii, one of the most unforgiving coastlines on the west coast of Canada, the skittish mammals are hidden – from the fast-moving currents, and from groups that have pledged to shoot them on sight."

Source: Guardian, 12/01/2023

“Carbon Cowboys” Chasing Offsets Keep Amazon Communities in the Dark

"Indigenous and traditional groups in the forest are rarely consulted about carbon credit projects they see as the latest gold rush on their lands, and question the community and climate benefits the projects promise."

Source: Inside Climate News, 11/29/2023

New Law Expands the FDA’s Power But Fails to Ban Toxics in Beauty Products

"The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act empowers the FDA to recall harmful cosmetics. Advocates want to know why manufacturers still don’t have to prove their products are safe before they’re sold to millions of consumers."

Source: Inside Climate News, 11/29/2023


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