Fish & Fisheries

"California’s Reliance on Dams Puts Fish in Hot Water"

"As California’s prized salmon runs teeter toward extinction in another crushing drought, a new study highlights the need to rethink dams — a key part of the state’s water management." "Water releases from dams aren’t that good at mimicking natural conditions, a new study finds."

Source: The Revelator, 09/23/2021

Does Nature Have Rights? A Burgeoning Legal Movement Says Yes

"Climate change and environmental destruction have inspired court cases around the country—and the globe—aimed at protecting the natural world."

"For Chuck O’Neal, a lifelong outdoorsman and environmentalist, the moment of truth came on election night 2020, as results rolled in from perhaps the most partisan campaign season in American history.

Source: Inside Climate News, 09/22/2021

"EPA To Protect Alaska’s Bristol Bay, Blocking Major Gold Mine"

"The Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday that it would restore protections for Alaska’s Bristol Bay, blocking the construction of a massive and controversial gold mine near the world’s largest sockeye salmon run."

Source: Washington Post, 09/10/2021

"Federal Judge Strikes Down Trump Rule Governing Water Pollution"

"A federal judge on Monday struck down a Trump-era environmental rule that drastically limited federal restrictions against pollution of millions of streams, wetlands and marshes across the country."

Source: NYTimes, 08/31/2021


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