Water & Oceans

"EPA Clean Water Act Interpretation Reasonable, Court Says"

"The EPA’s determination that it “categorically” can’t regulate pollution-via-groundwater under the Clean Water Act is entitled to deference despite “opening a gaping regulatory loophole,” the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts said Nov. 26."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/27/2019

Appalachia’s Strip-Mined Mountains Face Growing Climate Risk: Flooding

"Pigeon Creek flows through a narrow mountain hollow along a string of coal mining communities, its water trickling under the reds and yellows of the changing fall foliage. The tranquil scene belies the devastation the creek delivered one night a decade ago as heavy rain fell on soggy soil and thousands of acres of nearby strip mines."

Source: InsideClimate News, 11/22/2019


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