
Major Prairie Dog Die-Off Had Consequences For Other Animals, Wildland

"When plague struck black-tailed prairie dogs in the Thunder Basin National Grassland in Wyoming in 2017, a huge die-off followed. It spelled disaster for the burrowing rodents. But for researchers, it provided an opportunity for a “natural experiment” in the consequences of a single species’ collapse."

Source: Washington Post, 01/17/2023

‘Death By 1,000 Clearcuts’: Canada’s Deep-Snow Caribou Are Vanishing

"The B.C. government spends millions on extreme measures — like wolf culls and maternity pens — to support these mountain-loving herds found nowhere else in the world. Yet such efforts fail to offset the habitat destruction at the root of their disappearance".

Source: The Narwhal, 01/17/2023

Straddling the Narrow Divides Between Humans, Animals and Environmental Policy

Prolific author-environmentalist Dave Dempsey’s new book, “Half Wild: People, Dogs, and Environmental Policy,” examines the complex boundaries between humans, wildlife and wilderness in a brief volume that includes vignettes of bears scouring trash heaps and of bourbon-fueled debates over the gap between conservationists and environmentalists. Not to mention bonus observations about his relationship with dogs. Contributor Gary Wilson has a review for our latest BookShelf.

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Winning Over Editors and Others with Award Winners’ Multimedia Nuggets

If you’re looking to engage key constituencies for your journalism — whether editors, sources, students or people who have been marginalized — a new set of short videos from award-winning journalists (like KESQ's Angela Chen, at left) can serve as a helpful resource. Inside Story has a roadmap of how to make smart use of these video nuggets to, for instance, convince newsroom powerbrokers to give you more time and support for ambitious stories.

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Louisiana Coastal Plan Update Promises Billions In Hurricane-Damage Savings

"A draft update of the state’s $50 billion coastal master plan predicts that 61 new projects to build or protect land, a dozen new levees, and new efforts to elevate, flood-proof or relocate flood-prone homes will reduce annual hurricane storm surge damages by at least $11 billion per year by 2073."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 01/10/2023

"Biden Moves to End Doughnut Lures and Other Bear Hunting Tactics in Alaska"

"The National Park Service is moving to prohibit hunters on some public lands in Alaska from baiting black bears with doughnuts and using spotlights to shoot hibernating bears and cubs in their dens, techniques allowed by the Trump administration but considered inhumane by conservationists."

Source: NYTimes, 01/09/2023

Endangered Bird May Get 275,000 Protected Acres In Hawaii

"Federal wildlife officials have proposed that more than 275,000 acres of forest across Hawaii be designated critical habitat for the ‘i‘iwi bird, one of about a dozen native honeycreeper species currently headed toward extinction."

Source: Honolulu Civil Beat, 01/03/2023


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