National (U.S.)

Geophysical Union Again Agrees to Continue Accepting Exxon Money

"The American Geophysical Union announced Friday that it would continue to accept funding from ExxonMobil. The decision rejects the calls of some scientists, activists and others to refuse the company's sponsorship money because they say the energy giant has helped spread doubt about climate change and stymied effective climate policies."

Source: InsideClimate News, 09/26/2016

"Too Poor for Proper Plumbing: A Reality in 500,000 U.S. Homes"

"TYLER, Ala. — The hard clay soil in this rural Southern county has twice cursed Dorothy Rudolph. It is good for growing cotton and cucumbers, the crops she worked as a child and hated. And it is bad for burying things — in particular, septic tanks."

Source: NY Times, 09/26/2016

EPA Plans to Allow Unlimited Dumping of Fracking Wastewater in the Gulf

"Environmentalists are warning the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that its draft plan to continue allowing oil and gas companies to dump unlimited amounts of fracking chemicals and wastewater directly into the Gulf of Mexico is in violation of federal law."

Source: Truthout, 09/23/2016

"Lawmakers Slam 'Disturbing' Firing Of Agency Scientist"

"'Disturbing.' 'Frightening.' 'Shocking.' Those were some of the adjectives used by Republican lawmakers yesterday to describe the firing of a Department of Energy radiation biologist in 2014 for allegedly providing answers to Congress that countered the wishes of Department of Energy officials."

Source: E&E Daily, 09/23/2016


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