Climate Change

"Scientists Join Forces in a Hostile Climate"

"In the face of  probes by a state attorney general, hints of  hostile congressional hearings and assaults from  critics in the blogosphere, hundreds of members of the American Geophysical Union are forming a rapid-response team aiming to challenge disinformation and misinformation deployed in the policy wars over global warming."

Source: Dot Earth, 11/08/2010

Money for Scientific Research May Be Scarce With a GOP-Led House

"Federal financing of science research, which has risen quickly since the Obama administration came to power, could fall back to pre-Obama levels if the incoming Republican leadership in the House of Representatives follows through on its list of campaign promises."

Source: NYTimes, 11/05/2010

"Coal Industry Spending to Sway Next Congress"

"The coal industry, facing a host of new health and safety regulations, is spending millions of dollars in lobbying and campaign donations this year to influence the makeup of the next Congress in hopes of derailing what one industry official called an Obama administration 'regulatory jihad.'"

Source: NYTimes, 11/03/2010


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