Environmental Politics

"UARG Casts Long Legal Shadow On Air Regulations"

"In 40 years of behind-the-scenes advocacy for electric companies, the Utility Air Regulatory Group became ubiquitous in legal dockets and courtroom fights over the future of federal regulation. The group, which last week announced plans to disband, led the charge against dozens of EPA policies deemed too costly or unworkable by industry."

Source: Greenwire, 05/20/2019

States Aren’t Waiting For The Trump Admin On Environmental Protections

"More than a dozen states are moving to strengthen environmental protections to combat a range of issues from climate change to water pollution, opening a widening rift between stringent state policies and the Trump administration’s deregulatory agenda."

Source: Washington Post, 05/20/2019

"Trump’s EPA Shifts More Environmental Enforcement To States"

"BOKOSHE, Okla. — Susan Holmes’ home, corner store and roadside beef jerky stand are right off Oklahoma Highway 31, putting them in the path of trucks hauling ash and waste from a power plant that burns the high-sulfur coal mined near this small town."

Source: AP, 05/20/2019

Inslee Unveils $9T Climate Jobs Plan To Cut Emissions, Boost Unions

"Jay Inslee released a sweeping $9 trillion economic plan Thursday to create 8 million jobs, revitalize the labor movement and rapidly cut planet-warming gases, propelling the Washington governor far out ahead on the Green New Deal at least nine of his rival 2020 presidential candidates vowed to enact."

Source: HuffPost, 05/17/2019

"Air Pollution: Emails Link Flip-Flop On Illinois Smog To Pruitt Deputy"

"The director of Illinois' environmental agency abruptly reversed positions last year on a key air quality compliance recommendation after being contacted by Clint Woods, the deputy head of EPA's air office, according to public records cited in federal court litigation."

Source: Greenwire, 05/17/2019

"Warren Unveils Bill To Protect U.S. Military From Climate Change"

"Democratic presidential hopeful Senator Elizabeth Warren said on Wednesday she is introducing a bill to toughen the U.S. military against future climate change damage and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions at certain bases in a little over 10 years."

Source: Reuters, 05/16/2019


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