Environmental Politics

Despite FOIA, EPA Press Policy Remains a Puzzle Palace

In response to the WatchDog's request for the U.S. EPA's press policy, EPA seems to be saying that it doesn't have one. Or that paradoxically EPA staff can talk to reporters but are forbidden to talk to reporters. Or that EPA does not respond to requests for information. Even though the WatchDog finally got a partial response to its June 10, 2014, FOIA request for EPA policies on news media access to EPA employees on April 29, 2015, nothing was revealed. Puzzled? So are we.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Massive Cuts Proposed To NASA Earth Science Budget Draw Protest"

"On Tuesday, the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee chaired by Lamar Smith (R-Texas) introduced a new spending bill that would slash NASA’s earth science programs by over $300 million dollars. Advocates for earth science monitoring and research have voiced strong objections to this proposal."

Source: Wash Post, 05/01/2015

Church of England Divests From Coal, Tar Sands in New Climate Policy

"The Church Commissioners and the Church of England Pensions Board said they have divested 12 million pounds ($18.42 million) from their investments in thermal coal and tar sands companies as part of an initiative aimed at promoting transition to a low carbon economy."

Source: Reuters, 05/01/2015

2015 the ‘Last Effective Opportunity’ To Limit Warming, Says Vatican

"Following a closely watched Vatican climate change meeting Tuesday at the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences, the attendees — including not only scientific leaders but also religious and political luminaries — have released a statement suggesting that a 2015 climate accord may be the last chance to keep global warming within a range deemed “safe” for the world, its people and its ecosystems."

Source: Wash Post, 04/30/2015


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