
"USA Watches as Wheat Rust Makes a Damaging Comeback"

"A fungus under control for 50 years is back and ravaging wheat crops in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Once it gets in a field, it corrodes the stalks, turning them shades of brown and red that gives the disease, wheat stem rust, its name. Farmers can do little but harvest what's left, sometimes losing 60% of their crop."

Source: USA TODAY, 03/03/2011
April 17, 2011

SEJ Toronto Pub Night Series

In addition to our regular pub night, SEJ members in the Toronto area are hosting a get-together with Tim Flannery, author of The Weather Makers and his new book Here On Earth: A Natural History of the Planet. All journalists with an interest in the environment beat are welcome to join us for Sunday afternoon pints in the upstairs bar of the Harbord House Pub in Toronto from 3-5 p.m. Event is free, but space is limited so RSVP to

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