Environmental Health

"Carbon Monoxide From Generators Poisons Thousands of People a Year"

"Portable generators are among the deadliest consumer products. Two decades after the government identified the danger, and as climate change leads to more power outages, people are left vulnerable by a system that lets the industry regulate itself."

Source: ProPublica, 12/20/2021

Manchin Rejects Landmark Bill, Putting Biden’s Climate Goals at Risk

"The declaration from Senator Joe Manchin III that he cannot support his party’s $2.2 trillion Build Back Better bill has significantly dimmed the prospects for the climate action that scientists say the United States must take to avert the most catastrophic effects of global warming."

Source: NYTimes, 12/20/2021

Enviros Call For Stronger EPA Action On Falsified Chemical Assessments

"Six environmental organizations on Tuesday called on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take more aggressive action in response to reports that an agency office manipulated assessments of chemical safety."

Source: The Hill, 12/16/2021

"A Key Tool for Cleaning Up Oil Spills Is More Hazardous Than Helpful"

"In the decade since the record-breaking use of oil dispersants in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill response, science shows they’re dangerous, potentially deadly, and rarely useful. A new court case is forcing the US EPA to reconsider their use."

Source: Hakai, 12/15/2021

"Manchin Huddle With Biden Fails To Break Impasse"

"Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) is ramping up the pressure to finish his party’s climate and social spending bill by Christmas, but it looks like an increasingly difficult task given continued concerns from Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and the lengthy process of clearing the legislation with the Senate parliamentarian."

Source: E&E News, 12/15/2021


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