National (U.S.)

Congressional Regulatory Override — The Rulebook

Regulations about toxic air pollution from oil refineries are among many Obama administration actions that may be targetted for reversal by Republicans in Congress. The key to such a move? The Congressional Review Act. TipSheet explains how it works — and doesn't.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Energy Boss: Nuke Site Reopens But Work Remains"

"The reopening of the nation's only underground nuclear waste repository nearly three years after a radiation leak marks a key step toward cleaning up a decadeslong legacy of bomb-making and research, but the U.S. energy secretary said more needs to be done before a backlog of contaminated material starts heading to the New Mexico desert again."

Source: AP, 01/10/2017

Exxon Continued Paying Millions To Climate Deniers Under Tillerson

"The company, led by Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of state, has supposedly shifted its stance on global warming. But the receipts suggest otherwise."

"Exxon Mobil Corp. promised nine years ago to stop donating to groups that spread misinformation about climate change. Yet between 2008 and 2015, the oil giant’s charitable arm gave over $6.5 million to groups that deny that burning fossil fuels is causing global warming, a new analysis shows.

Source: Huffington Post, 01/10/2017


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