Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species
"Most great scientists have prizes named after them. Or university buildings. Not Bob Drewes."
Source: San Jose Mercury News, 06/15/2009
Pacific Oysters in Deep Trouble
"Oyster larvae have been dying by the billions. Scientists suspect it's a sign that carbon dioxide is dramatically affecting the ocean -- and if they're right, it could push Washington into the center of the debate about the future of the seas."
Source: Seattle Times, 06/15/2009
"Coral Conservation In The Caribbean"
"The island of Bonaire is somewhat of an anomaly in the Caribbean due to its remarkably preserved coral reefs."
Source: Environment Report, 06/11/2009
"Senate Panel Blocks Directional Drilling in ANWR"
"A Senate committee on Tuesday rejected a proposal by Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, the panel's top Republican, to allow access to oil in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by drilling for it from outside the refuge."
Source: AP, 06/11/2009
"As Fences Cut Off Migration, Hoofed Species Decline"
The big migrations of hoofed, grass-eating animals may soon be a thing of the past.
Source: NPR, 06/11/2009
"Lyme Disease Spreading Across Canada"
"Lyme disease is moving its way into new parts of Canada but the government is not doing enough to track it or to teach doctors how to diagnose it, says a new report."
Source: CTV, 06/10/2009
"Return of the Once-Rare Beaver? Not in My Yard."
The town of Lexington, Mass., has a problem with beavers. A big problem.
Source: NYTimes, 06/09/2009
Studies Consider Coverage Of Biotech And Environmental Justice In The United States
U.S. biotech coverage presents less risk than Canadian coverage, few popular views, preliminary study suggests
A recent study compares U.S. and Canadian public opinion of genetic technology and combines it with a preliminary study of the countries' biotech news coverage, finding that U.S. coverage focuses less on risks of genetic manipulation than Canadian coverage and fails to represent the wide range of public opinion on the topic.
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