Energy & Fuel

"The Media's Conspicuous Silence On A Groundbreaking Keystone XL Report"

The State Department's environmental impact statement for the Keystone XL pipeline has been the focus of a spin war among economic and political interests with a stake in the decision. The news media fell in line with the industry narrative that it "cleared the way" for the pipeline, ignoring the factual errors in the report. Media critics at the left-leaning Media Matters ask why the mainstream media failed to note Reuters' expose of the EIS' overstatement of rail traffic offering an alternative route for the oil.

Source: Media Matters, 03/12/2014

"GAO: Climate Change Threatens Energy Infrastructure"

"Oil refineries and drilling platforms in the U.S. are vulnerable to sea level rise and greater storm surge. Fuel pipelines, barges, railways and storage tanks are vulnerable to melting permafrost and severe weather. Warming seas and water shortages put nuclear and other electric power plants at risk. Power lines can be blown away by hurricanes and other extreme weather."

Source: Climate Central, 03/12/2014

"Duke CEO: All Customers Pay for Coal Ash Cleanup"

"CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Duke Energy's CEO says while the company and its shareholders will pay to clean up a coal ash spill in the Dan River, its customers will shoulder the costs of closing the rest of the utility's coal ash ponds across North Carolina."

Source: AP, 03/10/2014

McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute on Shale Gas and Oil Development

SEJ invites U.S. journalists and educators to apply for fellowships to attend this expenses-paid Specialized Reporting Institute, June 22-24, 2014 at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. Come learn about an issue that regularly grabs national, regional and local headlines. The deadline to apply is April 15, 2014.


Will More US Natural Gas To Europe 'Keep Putin in Check'? Doubtful.

"Republicans say faster approval of LNG export terminals could help check the influence of other suppliers, like Russia, and allow Europe to take a tougher diplomatic stance on Ukraine. Energy analysts say that would take years."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 03/07/2014


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