Environmental Politics

"Perry Asks Federal Aid for 'Mean' Texas Wildfires"

"AUSTIN, Texas -- "Governor Rick Perry, a Republican, has reissued his disaster proclamation nine times this wildfire season; it was originally issued on December 21, 2010. Perry, a Tea Party favorite who is campaigning for the Republican presidential nomination, cut short a campaign visit to South Carolina to return to Austin to deal with the fires. Well known for criticizing federal government spending, Perry has since April been seeking federal assistance to pay for wildfire relief and preparedness."

Source: ENS, 09/07/2011

"Hundreds Arrested Protesting Keystone XL Oil Pipeline"

"Protesters hope to persuade President Obama not to approve the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline that would run from Canada to Texas. But the State Department already says its safe, and supporters point to thousands of new jobs."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 09/05/2011

"Cool Climate Paper Sinks Journal Editor"

"The editor of the journal Remote Sensing resigned [Friday], saying in an editorial that his journal never should have published a controversial paper in July that challenged the reliability of climate models used to forecast global warming. The paper, by Roy Spencer and William Braswell of the University of Alabama in Huntsville, proposed that climate researchers have likely made a fundamental error by overestimating the sensitivity of the climate to greenhouse-gas pollution."

Source: Nature, 09/05/2011

Are Fed Energy Grants to Farmers Pork, Or Money Well Spent?

The US Dept. of Agriculture will award more than 900 grants worth a total of about $11.6 million to individuals and companies around the country for projects such as installing photovoltaic solar panels for a barn, improving energy efficiency of greenhouses, and installing a geothermal system for an agricultural building.

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 28, 2011

Supreme Court Review and Preview

The Environmental Law Institute's free annual Associates Seminar, with some of the pre-eminent experts on environmental law and the Court, will examine the docketed cases, changes in the Court, and the implications of recent decisions. Attend in person in Cambridge, MA, or via teleconference. RSVP by September 23rd.

September 15, 2011

Greening of Canadian Oil Sands: A View Across the Border

This free Environmental Law Institute teleconference will provide an overview of law and policy of Canadian oil sands extraction, as it compares to the United States resource extraction regime. RSVP by September 13th.



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