Environmental Politics

White House Got Almost Everything Wrong About The Latest Climate Report

On Monday, when asked about the [National Assessment] report’s conclusion that climate change will wreak havoc on the US economy, President Trump said “I don’t believe it.” Yesterday, the White House doubled down on its climate denial, with Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders questioning the methodology and conclusions of the climate report and saying it was “not based on facts.” That phrase is a fitting description for the talking points offered up by the White House. With one exception, none of these points is factually accurate:"

Nations Vowed To Cut Carbon Emissions. They Aren’t Even Close, UN Says

"On the eve of the most important global climate meeting in years, a definitive United Nations report has found that the world is well off course on its promises to cut greenhouse gas emissions — and may have even further to go than previously thought."

Source: Washington Post, 11/28/2018


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