Environmental Politics

Scientists Publish An Entire Study Refuting Scott Pruitt On Climate

"In a sign of growing tensions between scientists and the Trump administration, researchers published a scientific paper Wednesday that was conceived and written as an explicit refutation to an assertion by Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt about climate change."

Source: Washington Post, 05/25/2017

Trump Admin. Sued for Climate Change Gag Orders, Bucking FOIA Requests

"On May 23, 2017, The Center for Biological Diversity filed a lawsuit against the Trump Administration, demanding it reveal records of its censorship of government employees in relation to climate change topics. With this suit, The Center is following up on still-unanswered Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests it filed in March, requesting facts pertaining to the Administration’s climate change censorship."

Source: EnviroNews, 05/24/2017


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