Journalism & Media

Mexico Moves Toward Federalizing Crimes Against Journalists

The Mexican Senate on March 13, 2012, approved a constitutional amendment making attacks on journalists a federal crime — which would help journalists bypass possibly corrupt local police officials. The measure must now be approved by a majority of Mexico's state legislatures.

SEJ Publication Types: 
May 1, 2012

DEADLINE: AMS Award for Distinguished Science Journalism in the Atmospheric and Related Sciences

This American Meteorological Society Award recognizes outstanding science reporting and writing about scientific discoveries, principles, advances, and impacts in all media outlets including radio, television, newspaper, magazine, and online. Apply by May 1st.

Topics on the Beat: 
April 16, 2012

The Questions that Should be Asked: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources in the Presidential Race

The Society of Environmental Journalists and the Environmental Law Institute will co-host a panel  — open to the public and press — at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., moderated by the AP's Dina Cappiello. Experts with broad policy experience will discuss their answers to two key questions: "What should the presidential candidates discuss concerning the important issues of environment, energy, and natural resources facing the people of the United States?" and "What questions should be asked of candidates in the presidential debates that will help us learn how they will confront these issues?"

April 18, 2012

DEADLINE: Poynter's The Secrets of Great Enterprise Writing

Whether you’re a newsroom editor who wants to make your Watchdog journalism a must-read or a science writer looking to make your work accessible to a wider audience, Poynter can arm you with the storytelling tools you need. You’ll learn from Pulitzer-prize winning reporters and a team of Poynter faculty and guests, May 20-25, 2012, in St. Petersburg, Fla. Apply by April 18th.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Big Oil Trade Group Flooding Airways With Pro-Industry Propaganda Ads"

"Gasoline companies -- driven by oil speculation and profits -- continue to charge more and more for their product every day. How is the industry spending the money it’s taking from customer’s wallets? In recent weeks, they have flooded television programs with television ads promoting the causes of the industry."

Source: Think Progress, 03/09/2012

Iowa Outlaws Some Undercover Investigations As Other States Mull Bills

Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (pictured) signed the so-called "Ag Gag" bill into law March 2, 2012, making it a crime to obtain access to an agricultural facility "under false pretenses" — without defining "false pretenses." Does this apply to hidden cameras? Animal rights activists have often resorted to hidden cameras — and shared with news media photos and videos of shocking cruelty to animals.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

"Animals: Iowa, First State To Criminalize Undercover Investigation"

"On Friday, Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad signed into law a bill designed to thwart activists who go undercover to report animal abuse. This makes Iowa the first state in the country to pass such a law; Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New York and Utah are considering them. Undercover investigations, including videos and photographs, are a principal tool used by activists of all stripes to document abuse cases and have led to legislative reforms, prosecutions and even facility closures around the country."

Source: LA Times, 03/06/2012


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