
"EPA Withdraws Request For Methane Information From Oil, Gas Companies"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday withdrew a requirement for the oil and gas industry to provide information on methane emitted from its operations, one of what will be several moves to undo the Obama administration's climate change regulations."

Source: Reuters, 03/03/2017

Climate Scientists Face Threats And Fears Of 'Mccarthyist Attacks'

"A little less than seven years ago, the climate scientist Michael Mann ambled into his office at Penn State University with a wedge of mail tucked under his arm. As he tore into one of the envelopes, which was hand-addressed to him, white powder tumbled from the folds of the letter. Mann recoiled from the grainy plume and rushed to the bathroom to scrub his hands."

Source: Guardian, 02/23/2017

"Politics-Wary Scientists Wade into the Trump Fray at Boston Rally"

"Hundreds of scientists put aside their habitual wariness toward political activity and rallied over the weekend in Boston’s Copley Square, with many saying the Trump administration has left them no choice."

Source: Scientific American, 02/20/2017

"Scott Pruitt Makes It Clear That The Clean Power Plan Is Going Away"

"In his first interview as EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt made one thing very clear: the Clean Power Plan, the signature climate regulation of the Obama administration, is not long for this world."

Source: Think Progress, 02/20/2017

Warming Climate Lowers Ocean Oxygen Levels: Scientists

"A large research synthesis, published in one of the world’s most influential scientific journals, has detected a decline in the amount of dissolved oxygen in oceans around the world — a long-predicted result of climate change that could have severe consequences for marine organisms if it continues."

Source: Washington Post, 02/17/2017


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