
"Scott Pruitt Makes It Clear That The Clean Power Plan Is Going Away"

"In his first interview as EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt made one thing very clear: the Clean Power Plan, the signature climate regulation of the Obama administration, is not long for this world."

Source: Think Progress, 02/20/2017

Warming Climate Lowers Ocean Oxygen Levels: Scientists

"A large research synthesis, published in one of the world’s most influential scientific journals, has detected a decline in the amount of dissolved oxygen in oceans around the world — a long-predicted result of climate change that could have severe consequences for marine organisms if it continues."

Source: Washington Post, 02/17/2017

Resistance Is Growing To The USDA’s Blackout Of Animal Welfare Records

"The condemnation was swift when the Agriculture Department announced two weeks ago that it had pulled from its website the animal welfare records from 9,000 research labs, dog breeders and other facilities. ... This week, the department was sued over its move, and federal lawmakers began pressing the Trump administration to again make the records public."

Source: Washington Post, 02/17/2017

EPA’s Social-Media Accounts Have Been Silent Since The Inauguration

"Nearly a month after the presidential inauguration — and after being subject to temporary media blackout shortly thereafter — the Environmental Protection Agency has remained silent on social media, even while other federal agencies have gone on communicating as usual. In fact, the agency has posted nothing on its official Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts since Jan. 19, the day before President Trump was sworn into office."

Source: Washington Post, 02/17/2017

"E.P.A. Workers Try to Block Pruitt in Show of Defiance"

"Employees of the Environmental Protection Agency have been calling their senators to urge them to vote on Friday against the confirmation of Scott Pruitt, President Trump’s contentious nominee to run the agency, a remarkable display of activism and defiance that presages turbulent times ahead for the E.P.A."

Source: NY Times, 02/17/2017


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