
Deadlines for Plans To Reduce Regional Haze Finally Established

On Nov. 9, 2011, EPA signed a consent decree that requires the agency to receive from and approve a State Implementation Plan for DC, VI, and 43 states that don't have a fully approved one. Each state can determine how it wants to reduce haze. In some cases, the plan will rely on actions already taken, such as reductions in emissions from power plants or vehicles.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Northwest Oyster Die-offs Show Ocean Acidification Has Arrived"

"The acidification of the world’s oceans from an excess of CO2 emissions has already begun, as evidenced recently by the widespread mortality of oyster larvae in the Pacific Northwest. Scientists say this is just a harbinger of things to come if greenhouse gas emissions continue to soar."

Source: Yale Environment 360, 11/22/2011

"China Bends To U.S. Complaint on Solar Panels But Plans Retaliation"

"HONG KONG — Chinese solar panel makers plan to shift some of their production to South Korea, Taiwan and the United States in hopes of defusing a trade case pending against them in Washington, according to industry executives. But at the same time, the Chinese industry is considering retaliating by filing a trade case of its own with China’s Commerce Ministry."


Source: NY Times, 11/22/2011

"The Historian: a Hunt for the Motives Behind Doubt-Mongering"

"Naomi Oreskes is a science historian, professor at the University of California, San Diego, and co-author (with Erik Conway) of Merchants of Doubt, a book that examined how a handful of scientists obscure the facts on a range of issues, including tobacco use and climate change. Her seminal paper in the journal Science, 'Beyond the Ivory Tower: The Scientific Consensus on Climate Change,' challenged - back in 2004 - the notion that climate change science was uncertain. Her work has documented the spread of doubt-mongering from an industry practice to a political strategy."

Source: Daily Climate, 11/22/2011

Did Foreign Hackers Target US Water Plant? Or Someone Closer to Home?

Despite misleading and poorly sourced reports, it now appears that a successful and damaging cyberattack on a Springfield, Ill., water utility may have used a variant of the Stutznet worm. Reports have raised the question of whether the U.S. government, along with Israel, was involved in developing it.

Source: Wash Post, 11/22/2011

"Canada's Chronic Asbestos Problem"

"Most of the world, including the medical community, agrees that asbestos is desperately dangerous. The World Health Organization reports that more than 100,000 people die every year from lung cancer and other respiratory diseases due to asbestos exposure. And many more will die, because 125 million people are exposed to asbestos in their workplaces today and every day.

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 11/22/2011


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