
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

November 11, 2021 to November 13, 2021

Between Worlds: Emergence in an Emergency

The Bioneers 2021 virtual conference features best-selling authors, MacArthur "geniuses," Goldman Prize recipients and others to discuss connections and projects drawing on Indigenous and nature-based knowledge to bridge the space between the world as it is, and what it could be. Also included: interactive sessions. 


Will 2022 See the Start of Formal Negotiations Toward a Global Plastics Treaty?

Plastic waste, already the subject of preliminary international talks, could be increasingly targeted after UN meetings in early 2022. Meanwhile, this ubiquitous product is polluting land, ocean and air in its various forms, as well as through little-understood microplastic particles. The latest TipSheet has the backstory on efforts to forge an international plastics treaty, as well as ideas for how to cover plastic pollution locally.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Greenpeace Chief Warns Of ‘Greenwashing’ at UN Climate Talks"

"The head of environmental group Greenpeace on Thursday warned against efforts by countries and corporations at the forthcoming U.N. climate talks in Glasgow to “greenwash” their ongoing pollution of the planet."

Source: AP, 10/22/2021

Climate Risk Disclosure Guides Journalists, Not Just Investors

A profound tightening of companies’ environmental risk disclosure requirements may be ahead, thanks to efforts by the Biden administration’s Securities and Exchange Commission. And the new WatchDog Opinion column argues that as fossil fuel firms position themselves as part of an environmentally sound future, journalists must act too — demanding full disclosure of corporate financial risks related to climate.

SEJ Publication Types: 
November 3, 2021

DEADLINE: IJNR/SEJ Virtual Workshop on Environmental Racism and Indigenous Communities

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources, in partnership with SEJ, will present a virtual workshop, Nov 17-18, 2021, on covering the ongoing problem of Indigenous voices being ignored or silenced during conversations about contemporary natural resource management. Participating journalists eligible for story grants. Deadline: Nov 3.

October 21, 2021

How White Conservationists Are Changing Life in a Black Farming Town

Pembroke Township, south of Chicago, is a case study in how predominantly white environmental groups can — willfully or not — wind up marginalizing communities of color by prioritizing conservation goals over the wishes of residents. Join ProPublica and Grist for a virtual discussion on race, power and land stewardship. 7:00 p.m. ET.


Indigenous Activists Demonstrate on Climate In Front of White House

"Casey Camp-Horinek, a tribal elder from White Eagle, Okla., and environmental ambassador for the Ponca Nation, marched in the front of a crowd of hundreds headed toward the White House on Monday and held up her fist."

Source: Washington Post, 10/12/2021

As Locales Move to Decarbonize Buildings, Will States Ban Gas Bans?

While climate change is certainly a global phenomenon, conflicts over addressing it often turn on local concerns. Case in point: Community bans on the use of the fossil fuel methane (aka natural gas), which has in turn prompted some states to ban the bans themselves. The latest TipSheet explains the bans and how they play into the climate change debate, plus story ideas and resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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