
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

Doc on Rare Porpoise Wins Sundance Award

An environmental documentary that follows a risk-laden effort to save a rare and elusive porpoise won over audiences at the recent Sundance Film Festival. Correspondent JoAnn Valenti takes a look at the film, along with other documentaries that explore the role of journalists and journalism. 

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March 21, 2019

William K. Reilly Awards and Reception

The Center for Environmental Policy at American University in Washington, DC presents the 7th Annual William K. Reilly Awards to celebrate honorees Linda Fisher and Kevin Fay. Phil Sharp, national energy and climate change leader, will deliver the keynote address.


Where Does All That Recycling Go?

Where do all those recyclables actually go? This week’s TipSheet dives into the trash to find a story worth telling — of troubling overseas dumping, problematic local incineration and a fraying patchwork of U.S. regulation. Plus, several dozen questions you might want to ask, a pair of pro tips and a dozen resources to track the story in your area.

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Border Wall a Way into Environmental Stories

The fierce contest over the Trump border wall has critical environmental implications, both local and regional, per the latest TipSheet. A key suit against the Trump emergency declaration was filed by environmental groups and plans for a border barrier may harm significant wildlife habitat, as well as numerous migrating species, including some that are endangered. Get the back story and why it matters, along with story ideas and reporting resources.

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Climate Scientist Canned, SCOTUS To Rule on Chemical ‘Secrets’ and Army Corps Sued Over Permit Info

A scientist contracted to report on climate impacts for the National Park Service was caught up in a fracas over attempted censorship of her findings. Now she’s been fired. That, plus a FOIA case before the Supreme Court and an enviro group sues the Army Corps of Engineers over info on a permit for a new plastics plant in Louisiana. Read the latest on freedom-of-information issues in this month’s WatchDog TipSheet.

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Green New Deal Is Technologically Possible. Political Prospects Fuzzy

"President Trump derided the Green New Deal as a “high school term paper that got a low mark.” ... Yet, despite that disdain, the goals of the far-reaching plan to tackle climate change and economic inequality are within the realm of technological possibility."

Source: NY Times, 02/22/2019


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