Economy & Business

"Green Fields: Ethanol Reaches Out To Straw Poll Media"

Federal ethanol subsidies are hardly dead. They are still a key controversy in climate change, air pollution, the automotive industry, agricultural markets, food prices, budget wars, and the 2012 presidential race. No wonder the media mob descending on Iowa for the Aug. 13 straw poll is getting a free banquet of PR pitches.

Source: DesMoines Register, 08/08/2011
April 29, 2013 to April 30, 2013

Slow Money 4th National Gathering

This event features dozens of food entrepreneurs who are leading the way rebuilding local food systems around the country, along with many renowned thought leaders in agriculture, investing and philanthropy. Early bird rates available.


"Clean Economy" Jobs Exceed Fossil Fuels Or Bioscience Sectors

A report from Brooking Institution and Battelle's Technology Partnership Practice says there are about 2.7 million direct "clean economy" jobs nationwide, including those in industries such as wastewater, mass transit, solar photovoltaic, wind, fuel cells, smart grid, biofuels, batteries, green chemical products, and lighting.

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Topics on the Beat: 

"Wichita's Economy Is Greener Than You Think"

"Wichita actually has thousands of jobs tied to improving the environment — in businesses such as organic farming, insulated building materials and wind turbine parts. But what makes the green economy different today is that it also attracts people who simply want to do well — as in, make money — rather than people who want to do good."

Source: Wichita Eagle, 08/03/2011

As Global Temps Rise, More Companies Begin Adapting to a Warmer World

"Adjusting and adapting to an inevitably warmer world, more far-sighted private companies are moving forward even in the absence of strong government leadership globally and nationally. Understanding, anticipating and managing their risks are becoming those companies’ new, and challenging, reality."

Source: Yale Climate/Media Forum, 07/29/2011


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