Climate Change

"Canada’s Strategy on Climate Change: Work With American States"

"OTTAWA — The timing was coincidental, but the meeting had a new urgency. One day after President Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris climate accord — saying he was elected to serve Pittsburgh, not Paris — the transport minister in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s cabinet visited with the mayor of Pittsburgh to discuss climate change."

Source: NY Times, 06/08/2017

Award-Winner Looks Ahead to Prospects of a Perfect Storm

Extreme weather hypotheticals can be hard to cover. But when news teams Texas Tribune and ProPublica partnered on an award-winning investigation into how a major hurricane in Houston could kill thousands and cripple the national economy, they produced an innovative digital reporting package that brought home the human impacts.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Getting Out of Paris Takes 4 Years; Getting Back In Takes 30 Days

"While President Trump has vowed to formally withdraw from the Paris climate agreement, sparking international outrage, it doesn’t necessarily mean the end of U.S. involvement forever. A future president could have us back in the agreement in as little as 30 days, legal experts say."

Source: Washington Post, 06/06/2017

"China Looks to Capitalize on Clean Energy as U.S. Retreats"

"China’s devastating pollution problems began here, in coal country, where legions of workers toiled and often died to exhume the rich deposits that fueled the country’s sooty rise to economic power. Today, these muddy plains are home to a potent symbol of China’s new ambition: to bypass the United States and cement its dominant role in clean energy."

Source: NY Times, 06/06/2017


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