Climate Change

A New Titanic? US, Canada Prepare For Worst As Posh Arctic Cruise Sails

"On 13 April, coast guard officials from the US and Canada will train for a cruise ship catastrophe: a mass rescue from a luxury liner on its maiden voyage through the remote and deathly cold waters between the Northwest Passage and the Bering Strait."

Source: Guardian, 03/29/2016

Most Meteorologists Conclude Climate Change Is Real And Human-Caused

"Earth has witnessed its warmest two years on record, 2015 and 2014, over the last two years. At the same time, peer-reviewed studies have piled up demonstrating man’s influence on our climate. Meteorologists, who keep their hands on the pulse of what’s happening to the atmosphere, are taking notice.  While some, by their nature, are cautious about emerging scientific ideas and theories, new survey data reveal almost unanimous agreement that the climate is changing and a huge majority support the view that human activities are largely behind it.

Source: Wash Post, 03/25/2016

"McConnell: Obama Climate Plan Hinges On Next President"

"A Supreme Court ruling that delays a key element of President Barack Obama's strategy to fight climate change will likely push a final decision on the issue to the next president, the Senate's Republican leader said Monday as he urged the nation's 50 governors to continue a "wait-and-see" approach on Obama's plan."

Source: AP, 03/24/2016


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