Environmental Health

April 29, 2021

Impact Investigations: Environmental Coverage with a Racial Equity Lens

Join the Fund for Investigative Journalism on April 29, 2021 for a free online forum. Hear from several leading journalists, including two of their grantees whose recent stories examine the impact of environmental issues on communities of color. Moderated by Lottie Joiner, who serves on the FIJ’s Board of Directors. 11:30am ET.


"How Politics Is Shaping Biden’s Infrastructure Proposal"

"From weatherization funds to electric vehicles, the White House made compromises to enlist a broad coalition that includes labor and communities of color".

Source: Washington Post, 04/21/2021

Watchdog: Trump-Era Rollback Of Car Rules Undercut EPA Staffers' Advice

"Former President Trump's rollback of clean car standards violated federal regulatory processes, obscured career staffers' concerns and failed to assess impacts on vulnerable communities, according to EPA's internal watchdog."

Source: E&E News, 04/21/2021

Report On Suncor Malfunctions Doesn't Quell Calls For Refinery’s Closure

"The problem-plagued Suncor Energy oil refinery’s push to renew its operating permits, and questions about state regulatory oversight, have intensified fears of residents, business owners and elected officials that toxic pollution north of Denver won’t end."

Source: Denver Post, 04/21/2021


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