
On-line Journalism Begins To Fill the Void After Newspaper World’s Decay

SEJournal's Bill Dawson interviews Environmental Health News editor-in-chief Marla Cone, who left the Los Angeles Times in 2008, after almost two decades. Since then, Cone has overseen a number of major changes at the not-for-profit online publication.

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"In BP’s Record, a History of Boldness and Costly Blunders"

A billion-dollar BP oil rig named Thunder Horse almost sunk in the Gulf after a 2005 hurricane. "The problems at Thunder Horse were not an anomaly, but a warning that BP was taking too many risks and cutting corners in pursuit of growth and profits, according to analysts, competitors and former employees. Despite a catalog of crises and near misses in recent years, BP has been chronically unable or unwilling to learn from its mistakes, an examination of its record shows."

Source: NYTimes, 07/13/2010


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