Antarctica & Arctic

"Negotiations To Conserve Antarctic Ocean End In Stalemate On Many Issues"

"On Nov. 4, the 41st annual meeting of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) closed without making significant progress toward the establishment of new marine protected areas (MPAs) and fishery regulations. The scientific community and most delegates to the meeting had urged the adoption of new protections for Southern Ocean ecosystems to buffer damage from climate change and fishing."

Source: Mongabay, 11/08/2022

Wildfire Pollution May Play Surprising Role in Fate of Arctic Sea Ice

"Scientists say changes in the amounts of wildfire smoke mixing with clouds over the Arctic Ocean may play a key role in determining how fast the Arctic sea ice cover will shrink during the next few decades, and when it will disappear completely in summer."

Source: Inside Climate News, 07/28/2022

Reporting Ocean Stories Is Key to Blue Literacy, Planetary Health

As part of a Society of Environmental Journalists publishing project focused on covering climate solutions, we take a closer look at ocean-based solutions. In this special tipsheet, ocean scientist and science writer Juli Berwald offers a primer on the climate-related challenges and possibilities in the global ocean’s physics, chemistry and biology. Plus, check out an expanded toolbox with reporting resources and watch a recent SEJ webinar.

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