National (U.S.)

"American Medical Association Blasts Secret Shale Records"

"The American Medical Association, citing growing concerns about monitoring and tracking long-term human health impacts caused by shale gas development, is calling for the public disclosure of all chemicals used in the extraction technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or 'fracking.'

Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 06/16/2015

"Is the Leading Nutrition Science Group in Big Food's Pocket?"

"Figuring out whom to trust for nutritional advice can be a daunting task; new findings on everything from the dangers of sugar to the health benefits of leftover pasta seem to come out every day, and the "experts" behind them often have ulterior motives."

Source: Mother Jones, 06/16/2015

Shell's Arctic Oil Rig Leaves Seattle as Kayaktivists Warn of Disaster

"Activists argue oil drilling in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea takes US in wrong direction on combatting climate change and ignores environmental difficulties of region".

"After a final protest by kayak-paddling activists, Shell’s deep-sea oil drilling rig left the port of Seattle on Monday morning, headed for Alaska’s Chukchi Sea – and, environmentalists say, towards imminent disaster.

Source: Guardian, 06/16/2015


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