National (U.S.)

June 23, 2015 to June 27, 2015

ASLE 2015 Conference: "Notes from Underground: The Depths of Environmental Arts, Culture and Justice"

The 2015 Association for the Study of Literature and Environment conference in Moscow, Idaho will explore "The Depths of Environmental Arts, Culture and Justice," with keynote speakers includes Donna Haraway, Linda Hogan, Stephanie LeMenager, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Jorge Navarro, Anna Tsing, Rita Wong, and Tanure Ojaide.

Topics on the Beat: 

On the Media: Has Shark Week Jumped the Shark?

Discovery Channel's Shark Week is able to draw as many as 53 million viewers. While the cable outlet has included some conservation information in recent years, it seems to be shifting back toward fear-mongering based on fantasy rather than fact. The productions include Photoshopped film of a "megalodon" that is extinct, "deadliest" sharks that haven't killed anyone, and scientists played by actors.

Bob Garfield interviews marine biologist David Shiffman for On the Media August 15, 2014.

Source: On The Media, 08/18/2014

Concessions Contract Will Cost Grand Canyon National Park $100 Million

"A new concessions contract for businesses on the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park will cost the park $100 million, an amount that could impact just about all operations in the park, Superintendent Dave Uberuaga said Wednesday. In the long run, however, the move stands to benefit both the park and its visitors, observers believe."

Source: National Parks Traveler, 08/15/2014

"Judge Dismisses Most of a Suit Against EPA Pesticide Approvals"

"A federal magistrate has dismissed most of a lawsuit by environmental advocates challenging the government's approval of numerous pesticides, but said they can pursue claims that federal officials allowed 11 chemicals on the market without getting up-to-date information about hazards to endangered species."

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 08/15/2014


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