Economy & Business

"Canada Oil Output Will Double by 2030 If Pipelines Built"

To hear Canada's oil industry tell it, the U.S. State Department's draft environmental impact statement (EIS) on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline is exactly wrong. The EIS said Canada's tar sands oil would be shipped regardless of whether the pipeline is built. But the oil industry says it will double their output.

Source: FuelFix, 06/07/2013

Pennsylvania Gas Industry Keeps Secret Database on Pre-Drill Quality of Wells

The fracking industry loves to argue there's no proof its gas-extraction methods cause pollution. But it works hard in Pennsylvania to keep secret any evidence that might prove the question — one way or the other. Existence of its database was reported by Marie Cusick of WITF in Harrisburg, via NPR's StateImpact Pennsylvania.

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"US Opens First Bid for Offshore Wind Energy"

"America's first offshore wind lease sale will take place in July, the Interior Department announced Tuesday. It's good news for the US wind industry, which is hoping to expand beyond land-based production."

"On Tuesday the Interior Department unveiled plans for the nation's first auction of offshore wind leases. It's more good news for the US wind industry, which installed a record amount of capacity in 2012, and received a one-year extension on the federal tax credits driving much of the industry's growth.

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 06/05/2013

"Tea Party Targeting Southern Co. Power Monopoly"

"ATLANTA -- The Southern Co. makes billion-dollar decisions that affect millions of people in Georgia, yet it has attracted little political scrutiny — until now. Leaders of the Atlanta Tea Party are challenging Southern Co. subsidiary Georgia Power over the monopoly's reluctance to increase its use of solar power, the ballooning costs of building a new nuclear power plant and even its legal right to monopoly status."

Source: AP, 06/03/2013


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