Economy & Business

August 15, 2012 to August 18, 2012

Urban Agriculture Summit

Urban agriculture is becoming an essential element of food security, improving access to healthy, affordable food in a rapidly urbanizing world, generating much-needed skills development and local employment, and improving local environmental and community health. The first Urban Agriculture Summit in Toronto, Canada, presented by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities and FoodShare, will be action-oriented.


Financial Challenges Ahead, But So Too Opportunities To Tap Our ‘Network’

At its January 28, 2012 meeting, SEJ’s board of directors took steps to increase revenues and cut expenses for the short term as the board and staff pursue effectiveness studies and efforts to bring in new unrestricted gifts, new foundation grants, new university and media support, and new earned income. Read more from SEJ President Carolyn Whetzel.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"River of Hope in the Bronx"

"Perhaps the most unsung patch of heaven in New York City is a tiny sliver of riverfront parkland tucked between a metal-recycling yard and a giant wholesale produce market, on the far side of a six-lane highway and a pair of active freight train tracks. Hunts Point Riverside Park, a 1.4-acre speck in the South Bronx, opened a few years ago on what had been a filthy, weedy street end."

Source: NY Times, 07/23/2012

"Thanks to North Dakota, US Waste of Natural Gas Grows Rapidly"

"The United States is posting rapid growth in the waste of natural gas in new oil fields where the fuel is either burned or vented into the atmosphere.  Experts say the process damages the environment and fails to maximize the return to investors."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 07/20/2012

"Whose Side Is the American Farm Bureau On?"

"The American Farm Bureau, with its 6 million 'member families' and carefully cultivated grassroots image, talks a good game. In the pitched battle over US farm policy—with agribusiness giants on one side, and small family farmers, organic and local food advocates and environmentalists on the other—the Farm Bureau positions itself as the voice of the farmer."

Source: Nation/FERN, 07/19/2012


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