Economy & Business

"Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss"

"In the months after the BP oil spill, the company announced that its gaffe-prone CEO, Tony Hayward, would be replaced by Bob Dudley, an American who served as the point person in the US on the spill. Since taking over on October 1, Dudley has been too busy to talk to members of Congress about the disaster the company unleashed on the Gulf. But he wasn't too busy today to accuse the media and other oil companies of making too much of a big deal about that 4.9 million barrels of oil they dumped."

Source: Mother Jones, 10/26/2010

"Utilities, Investors Face Risks From Growing Water Scarcity"

Will the undervaluing of environmental risks and resources lead to another financial meltdown like the sub-prime mortgage disaster? A new report says credit rating agencies are ignoring water scarcity risks when rating municipal utility bonds. Investors stand to lose hundreds of billions.

Source: McClatchy, 10/21/2010

"Californians See Green in Climate Law: Poll"

"California voters are remaining true to one stereotype -- their commitment to the environment. A measure to suspend the state's vanguard climate change law is heading for failure, by a margin of 49 percent to 37 percent, because voters see the law doing more economic good than harm, a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday showed."

Source: Reuters, 10/08/2010

"Alaska Native Corporations' Contracting Privileges Targeted"

"Alaska native corporations would lose their special contracting privileges under legislation that Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) intends to introduce next month, a move that will stir debate about the billions of dollars' worth of federal set-aside contracts that the companies receive."

Source: Wash Post, 10/08/2010
November 16, 2010

Free Webinar: Covering the Green Economy — The Future of Energy

Learn at your desk with a free Webinar; instruction by Angel Gonzalez, Houston bureau chief for Dow Jones Newswires.



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