Economy & Business

Is FCC Slow To Reveal Cell Phone Risks?

A World Health Organization panel finds cell phone radiation might present a cancer risk , and spotlights ongoing reluctance by the Federal Communications Commission to share publicly all the health information it has on the subject — and possible complicity with industry in hushing the research.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Chevron Feels the Heat at Annual Shareholder Meeting"

"At Chevron's annual general meeting Wednesday, the oil giant's chief executive John Watson, the Board of Directors and shareholders were greeted by over 150 activists, who traveled to San Ramon from throughout the world. They came from Angola, Indonesia, Nigeria, Alaska and Ecuador to share their stories of the human and environmental degradation Chevron had unleashed in their communities."

Source: ENS, 05/27/2011
June 8, 2011

Taking on Hyperlocal: Lessons Learned From a High-Profile Start-Up


This Webinar is for anyone who is managing or creating a local news start-up or who is interested in a hyperlocal news distribution case study. The cost of this one-hour Webinar (2-3 p.m.) is $27.95. 



"Herman Cain's Enron-esque Disaster"

Herman Cain, who recently threw his hat into the ring of GOP presidential contenders, likes to say that what he lacks in political experience he makes up for with his background in business. That may not be a plus. Cain's business "experience" includes a stint on the board of Aquila, which pushed its employees to invest their retirement savings in company stocks and then speculated wildly in energy markets, wiping out most of the company's value.

Source: Mother Jones, 05/24/2011
June 13, 2011 to June 14, 2011

Responding to Climate Change in the Caribbean

This policy-focused conference aims to bring together researchers, officials and representatives of the private sector and NGOs to find effective, forward-looking responses to climate change in the Caribbean.



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